As we are currently interested in and working on this issue...

We continue to delve into the concept of graffiti as a message container, text as poem with a meaning relating to its enviroment and implications that go further than the mere tagging action, logo design or aesthetic values.

SAMO© was a collective that appeared in Manhattan in 1978, using text and the sequence of different messages at a diverse array of locations.

This anonymous group created a viral short texts bombing with some kind of marketing messages related to SAMO© mysterious identity.

On the other hand, some critical sentences were used at different (and very well selected locations) to interact with any potential viewer.

Probably the fathers of modern graffity, sticker bombing and urban art poetry as we know nowadays.

Al Diaz and someone called Jean Michel Basquiat.

From taking poetry outside to the streets with SAMO© to taking the graffiti and urban art (literally) inside the art galleries as a solo artist...

...but that´s another story.


Pics: by Henry A. Flynt, Jr

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