Before The Stone Roses, before the Happy Mondays and just weeks after The Smiths were no more, The La´s were the new white hope coming out from Liverpool.

Blessed (a curse in disguise) by Morrissey at the time, all the expectations were to stay in stand by due to self over conciousness and perfectionism that blocked any real progress.

The natural continuation to the Smiths legacy, The La´s were developing a record that was anticipating by a year what The Stone Roses did with their first album (funny enough with the help of producer John Leckie, who worked with The Stone Roses after being fired by the La´s). Just a pity The La´s LP was out in 1990, a year AFTER The Stone Roses breakthrough.

The legend tells that the Go!Discs managers were upset by the "rip off from The Stone Roses album" that the La´s had presented for publishing. The original tapes were recorded 12 months before...

Beautiful loosers.

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